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The Story

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

-- Robert Frost, Road Not Taken

It's been a long and winding road for our Chef, William Cunneen.  Starting off his career cooking pizzas at 16, Chef Will quickly moved up the ranks of the sports and entertainment catering industry.  Working at some of America's most prestigous venues: The Kentucky Derby, Daytona 500, & Beijing Olympics in addition to some of the world's most well known arenas: Yankee Stadium, MetLife Stadium and Soldier Field, home of the Chicago Bears.  It was at Soldier Field that Will met his wife, Alida (native of Cluj-Napoca).  Alida started out working as a bartender and also moved up fast, from catering supervisor and customer service trainer to manager of clubs and bars that served thousands.  A front and back of the house duo, merged.  But now that road has lead them on a different path.  One that strips away the blinding lights of the sports and entertainment world to let the idea of good food, friends and new experiences shine through.  Chef Off the Grid is a culmination of all those years of service.  To strip away all that is impressive to leave only what is important.  To share, teach and enjoy!